International Employment Lawyer
“Deliveroo were expected to win, and they have done – but what is surprising is the emphatic nature of the win,” observes GQ|Littler’s Raoul Parekh.
“The Supreme Court endorsed wholesale the reasoning of the CAC and the lower courts, and re-affirmed that an ability for platform economy workers to use a substitute to perform their work is not compatible with employment status under the EHCR – and by extension domestic UK legislation.
“It’s an endorsement of the current model, and indirectly the flexibility it provides for both sides.”
Parekh, however, believes Tuesday’s decision is definitive and that further litigation against Deliveroo or others with similar business models “is very unlikely to succeed”.
The UK judgment will be widely welcomed by the rest of the gig economy sector, given the number of adverse decisions against it and multiple legislative moves to regulate the industry worldwide.
Read the full article here.